The Essential Role of Companionship in Senior Well-being

Companionship is not just a luxury; it’s a crucial aspect of senior well-being. As we age, the importance of meaningful connections and social interaction becomes increasingly evident. Unfortunately, many seniors grapple with isolation, which can have severe repercussions on their physical and mental health. Studies have shown that prolonged loneliness can contribute to conditions such…

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Breast Cancer Awareness and Early Detection Tips for Senior Citizens

Breast cancer is a pressing concern that affects people of all ages, including senior citizens. Despite this, many older individuals may underestimate their risk and overlook early detection methods. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of breast cancer awareness among senior citizens and offer valuable tips for early detection. 1. Understanding the Risks: Senior…

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Beat the Heat: Staying Safe during Summer Months

As the sunny days and warm temperatures of summer approach, it’s important for seniors to be aware of the potential dangers associated with heat and dehydration. With age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the heat, making it crucial for seniors to take extra precautions to stay safe during these months. In this blog post,…

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American Heart Month

It is American Heart Month! This is an incredibly important and relevant topic for the average American senior because 75% of men and women between the ages of 60-75 suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease. There are many actions you can take to help you and your heart stay healthy while you age. Here…

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Monday Minute: Veteran’s Day and How We Can Give Back

“To me, Veterans Day is a holy day where I reminisce of the truly great sacrifices, and in some cases the ultimate sacrifice that my brothers and sisters in service were willing to endure so that this country remains the home of the brave and land of the free.” – Section Head, Marine For Life Network…

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Monday Minute: Where it All Began

Here at Premier Senior Consultants, we are celebrating a milestone of serving seniors and their families for 10 years! A whole decade! We could not be happier as we reflect. Many have asked how I started my business and where it all began. It has truly become more than I could have imagined. I began…

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Monday Minute: Caregiver Burnout

In continuation of Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to focus on another rampant problem in the senior industry: Caregiver Burnout. According to Cleveland Clinic, Caregiver Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion for a person in a primary caregiver position. It can occur when caregivers try to shoulder more than they…

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