Monday Minute: Top 5 Men’s Health Issues

It’s National Men’s Health Month! Because of that, we are going to take a look at the 5 most common health problems in men and what can be done to prevent them! Cardiovascular Disease: About 1 in 3 men will have some form of cardiovascular disease. You can help prevent this and keep your heart…

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Monday Minute: Caregiver Burnout

In continuation of Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to focus on another rampant problem in the senior industry: Caregiver Burnout. According to Cleveland Clinic, Caregiver Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion for a person in a primary caregiver position. It can occur when caregivers try to shoulder more than they…

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Monday Minute: Depression in Seniors

Because it is Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted take a look at one of the branches that often goes unnoticed or unchecked; depression in seniors. There are many factors that can cause depression in seniors to fly under the radar. The passing of their close friends, siblings, or spouses can leave them without the…

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Monday Minute: Your First Parkinson’s Doctors Visit

In continuation of the subject of Parkinson’s for the month of April, today we wanted to discuss the next step after you begin to suspect that you or a loved one has Parkinson’s. It is crucial that you get set up with a doctor as soon as you can to optimize the effectiveness of the…

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Monday Minute: Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

In honor of Parkinson’s Awareness Month, we wanted to shed some light on some of the easily missed early indicators of this progressive nervous system disorder. Approximately 60,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease per year in the US alone and over 1 million in the country are suffering from it currently. There are many…

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Monday Minute: Brain Food

In honor of National Nutrition Month, this week’s Monday Minute is about items we can all be including in our diets to make sure we are feeding our brains the way we should. Many side effects of aging happen in the brain, and adjusting your diet can drop your risk of cognition decline and dementia…

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Happy New Year!!!

I’ve heard 2020 called an Unprecedented Time, a Crazy Year, a Crazy New Normal, we may have said to ourselves, “Sweet gingerbread, what else can possibly go wrong?” But through it all, we have shown that in difficult circumstances, we can bravely carry on. We are now at the beginning of a new year and…

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Orange County Commission on Aging

Orange County Commission on Aging Ever wonder if our local government really cares about our senior community? Orange County has found a way to guide seniors on ways to get help, find fulfillment and  give back. The Commission on Aging was established as an advisory board under the Orange County Board of County Commissioners in…

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Let’s Pick Your Brain, for Science!

Let’s Pick Your Brain, for Science! Have you heard about a Brain Bank? I don’t mean a location for the neighborhood zombies to store their dinner. This is a research program dedicated to helping families obtain a definitive diagnosis of whether their loved one truly had Alzheimer’s disease or whether it was something else.  If…

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