Cardiovascular Fitness and Brain Health – Just Another Reason to Exercise!

There are many reasons to be physically fit, but staving off dementia might be one of the best reasons of all. The results of a long-term study of middle aged women were recently published in the medical journal, Neurology (click here to see study). The study shows a relationship between high cardiovascular fitness in middle aged women and a decreased risk of dementia later in life. In fact, these physically fit women had an 88% lower risk of dementia than women who were moderately fit. This is a great reason to get off the couch and on to that treadmill that you are using as a clothing rack!









Of course, exercise is beneficial to body and mind at any age, so if you are older, it is not too late to start an exercise program appropriate for your fitness level. Consider activities that are also socially engaging to make exercise more enjoyable.

  • Take a walk with a friend
  • Join an exercise class such as – water aerobics, Zumba or spinning.
  • Take a Ballroom Dancing class
  • Go golfing.
  • Go to the gym with a friend – Join the Silver Sneakers program at a location near you.
  • Get out in nature with your family and go for a hike!



Incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine!

  • Ride your bike to run a nearby errand instead of driving.
  • Gardening and yard work- Rake some leaves, Weed a flower bed!
  • Take your dog for a longer walk.
  • Cleaning your house – Vacuuming and mopping the floors is great exercise!
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park your car a little farther away from the door.


So get off that couch!  Just get moving to feel fit physically and mentally!

Please consult with your personal physician or medical professional before beginning any exercise program.

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